Make a Booking
This booking function is not for commercial bookings. If you wish to hire the pool for commercial purposes or can not find a two hour slot for recreational purposes, please contact us using the contact form.
If you are all adult / older children swimmers, please consider booking a late afternoon/evening slot as we have many families with younger children and those with additional needs, that are unable to swim in a public pool or later in the day. If you can, please leave daytime slots available for young families.
* Minimum pool hire charge is £60 per hour. This hourly rates allows for up to 2 adults and up to 3 children. Any additional swimmers are charged.
* Dear Swimmers – due to a recent increase (+41%) in the price of our utility contract, we have had to increase our hourly charge slightly. Thank you for your understanding
Choose Your Package
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Select Date & Time
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Terms & Conditions
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Choose Your Package
Pool charge at £60 per hour, which allows for up to 2 adults and 3 children
Choose Your Package
Pool charge at £60 per hour, which allows for up to 2 adults and 3 children
Additional booking
Select more people to add to your booking.
Select Date & Time
Click on a date to see a timeline of available slots, click on a green time slot to book it
Enter your details
Please provide your details so we can send you a confirmation email
Terms & Conditions
Payment Method
You can either pay online using your Credit card or Debit card.
Confirmation Page
Verify Order Details
Double check your reservation details and click submit button if everything is correct
Your appointment has been successfully scheduled. Please retain this confirmation for your record.
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